Monday, July 26, 2010


Went to the Ramen Museum with Sister and Uncle today. :D SO COOL. The set-up was post-War, with old-fashioned game/candy stalls set up amongst the ramen stores.

View from the top. The colors kept changing, following a sped up day.
Candy stall :D The shopkeeper even had an insane amount of blush to portray the stereotypical "young girl."
No pictures of me though. The humidity makes me look like Tim Burton, Part II. -.-

Kamakura again tomorrow with Grandfather to visit the Daibutsu and maybe some temples. :)


  1. NOM NOM NOMZ!!!! Lol... That place looks really cool, it reminds me of the Mexico pavilion at Epcot.

    かき氷 FTW!!!

  2. Mmmmm.. ramen. The place looks so old school. Its like a set from one of those ancient Chinese shows my parents like to watch.

    I really thought it was the sky at first until I saw the vent at the top.. HAhh.
