A few days ago Mother, Uncle, and I went to Chinatown for a dim sum buffet, and to get new glasses, which are SO CHEAP IN JAPAN. It's actually a little ridiculous. I got glasses, plus a complementary exam, for 4,000 yen (a little under $40). We even got both our glasses an hour after we ordered them (which is odd, even for Japan, so they must have a laser cutter in the back or something so they don't have to send it out). Last year (when I had to get more contacts), I had to pay around $150 for a glasses exam and a contacts exam (which is really just a piece of paper with my prescription). It did come with free glasses, and a thing of contacts to tide me over though. So maybe it wasn't toooooo bad. XD
Sideways panda that Uncle and Mother though was creepy, but I thought was kind of cute.
ALSO, I dyed my hair. Maybe not the best picture of it though....
Uncle and Me with Panda Kitty :)
Yesterday, Mother left for America, so it's just me and my sister for awhile. So, the next day, we went to Sakuragichou to have a picnic and shop, since we recently learned how to get there by subway (it takes around 10~15 minutes and is one stop away from Yokohama Station. Hopefully, Sister will stop being a wimp and go exploring with me there soon DX).
It reminded me of the Greek Colosseum, though the steps look more like a granite wall in the picture.
Cute oufitttts (says the creeper with the camera). But this was unintentional; I was really trying to take a picture of the bridge).
WHAT I WORE: top, min plume; shorts, UO; tank, Honey's; sunglasses (THAT I LOST...NOt sure how or when ;_;), Aeropostle
The no sleeve cardigan thingy that I ended up buying at Cutie Blonde. Half off :D
The ice cream Sister made me get her at Tully's. The waffle looking desert is actually cake. Pleasant surprise.
Glittery shoes.....
We actually got one because they were placed at the very edge. All you had to do was put money in and it fell over XD
Toy Story 3 promotional poster with Sister. I hope it's good.
After the ice cream and World Porter's shopping, we wandered around Queen's Square and found out Zara was having a super sale! I wanted to do Purikura but the place was closed for some reason :(
A see-through assymmetrical top
Slightly cropped zebra sweater, with doleman sleeves
Washed out skirt.
That's it for now. More later ;)